MagicInfo: variable tags in playlists?

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MagicInfo: variable tags in playlists?
« on: May 05, 2020, 08:39:57 PM »
FYI: we're currently running MI Premium v7100.2.

Why are variable tags not usable in a playlist?  Unless I'm using them incorrectly, it seems intuitive to want one variable tag with assets in a playlist that will only show depending on the tag that is set on a device.  I want 1 playlist but only show an asset where a tag matches on a device, which actually works fine with static tags.  I don't want to have to create 2 or 3 separate tags.  But apparently you can only use static tags inside a playlist.

Also if anyone knows, why do you lose the "tag" of a content asset once you add it to a playlist?  I have multiple playlists and some can share the same asset.  But if you tag an assset outside of the playlist, then add it, you lost the tag.  You have to go into each and every playlist and "re-tag" the media asset on all of them.  I'm sure I'm just using tags differently than what Samsung wants, but this seems to me a simpler way to manage tags.  Anyone else having this issue or have better suggestions?