Weather feed - is what I want to do even possible?

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Offline Wudang

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Weather feed - is what I want to do even possible?
« on: March 31, 2011, 01:56:48 PM »
I want to devise my own weather feed - actually employ somebody to do it as I don't have the skills but know what I want to achieve.

I've a stack of "Apple'sque" png weather icons which will display well. I only need show current temp and hi/lo predict for the day.

I can live with the current temp being say an hour out of date - it's not the time after all.

Is it possible to do a background grab of this basic data from the web, cache the information then have a flash show call on this data so it can display the appropriate png file with the data incorporated therein. The flash file would appear within a small show of half a dozen png/jpgs each running on a 10 second loop.

P.S. I'm not running Advanced as Standard does everthing I want.


Offline dssc

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Re: Weather feed - is what I want to do even possible?
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2011, 03:34:19 PM »
I want to devise my own weather feed - actually employ somebody to do it as I don't have the skills but know what I want to achieve.

I've a stack of "Apple'sque" png weather icons which will display well. I only need show current temp and hi/lo predict for the day.

I can live with the current temp being say an hour out of date - it's not the time after all.

Is it possible to do a background grab of this basic data from the web, cache the information then have a flash show call on this data so it can display the appropriate png file with the data incorporated therein. The flash file would appear within a small show of half a dozen png/jpgs each running on a 10 second loop.

P.S. I'm not running Advanced as Standard does everthing I want.

Actually Advanced has built in script language and special weather element to implement what you want.
But may be it would be easier to fin Flash developer to make special flash for this.
If you have full spec, I can ask my colleagues if somebody can do it.


Offline Wudang

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Re: Weather feed - is what I want to do even possible?
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2011, 06:01:03 PM »
Actually Advanced has built in script language and special weather element to implement what you want.
But may be it would be easier to fin Flash developer to make special flash for this.
If you have full spec, I can ask my colleagues if somebody can do it.

The screen was initially running Advanced but I had to resort to a legacy install of Standard as it was not playing well with Standard installed on the server - this the result of much support/investigation by Samsung Tech Support.
I'm now running matched versions of Standard on both Server and Client and it is behaving impeccably.

At the moment my brief is pretty much as already described  :-[
If you pm me- see attached jpeg for contact details - I can hopefully elaborate.



Offline Bill Coral

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Re: Weather feed - is what I want to do even possible?
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2011, 11:41:11 PM »
It is quite easy to do this. I use the BBC Weather site. You can choose your city even if it is not in the United Kingdom. Once you do this, then there is a button EMBED and you need to copy the code, like the one below:" allowTransparency="true" width="306" height="435" frameborder="0"

This is for London. Create a web frame and paste the above. And that is it!



Offline Wudang

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Re: Weather feed - is what I want to do even possible?
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2011, 05:47:01 PM »
It is quite easy to do this. I use the BBC Weather site. You can choose your city even if it is not in the United Kingdom. Once you do this, then there is a button EMBED and you need to copy the code, like the one below:" allowTransparency="true" width="306" height="435" frameborder="0"

This is for London. Create a web frame and paste the above. And that is it!



Thanks for the reply. 

I'm however looking to achieve a simplified look and feel to the proposed weather feed - it is to be read predominantly at distance. Embedding  the BBC feed gives me the data - actually more than I need - but not the presentation I'm after.

It might well be the case I'll need to subscribe to a content service provider to get the data required restriction free.

So I'm still left wondering if what I want to do is definitely possible on MagicInfo Standard.