Content 'forking'?

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Offline sjwk

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Content 'forking'?
« on: July 13, 2011, 10:29:38 AM »

Have recently installed our first MI-i premium display but am having an occasional issue with content getting 'forked' on being published.

For simplicity reasons I was hoping to just leave the schedule displaying one content item, and have trained the editing staff to simply edit that in the Author tool and re-publish.

That works fine.  But after a number of publishes (around 10-20), it seems to stop replacing the existing content with the new file and instead creates a new content item, with the same name, and starts updating that one instead on subsequent uploads.  As a result, the schedule still points to the old file and so the screen effectively stops updating.

Anyone else seen this and know how to stop it?  Could it be to do with the editor uploading from one of two computers?  The local files are the same, as it is stored on a server share, and it is just using one user account in MagicInfo (because two accounts also led to two different copies of the file).

I was hoping not to have to go and train the users to login to the web interface to check whether it has forked a new copy of the file and change the schedule if so.



Offline dssc

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Re: Content 'forking'?
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2011, 06:51:35 PM »

Have recently installed our first MI-i premium display but am having an occasional issue with content getting 'forked' on being published.

For simplicity reasons I was hoping to just leave the schedule displaying one content item, and have trained the editing staff to simply edit that in the Author tool and re-publish.

That works fine.  But after a number of publishes (around 10-20), it seems to stop replacing the existing content with the new file and instead creates a new content item, with the same name, and starts updating that one instead on subsequent uploads.  As a result, the schedule still points to the old file and so the screen effectively stops updating.

Anyone else seen this and know how to stop it?  Could it be to do with the editor uploading from one of two computers?  The local files are the same, as it is stored on a server share, and it is just using one user account in MagicInfo (because two accounts also led to two different copies of the file).

I was hoping not to have to go and train the users to login to the web interface to check whether it has forked a new copy of the file and change the schedule if so.


Hi Steve,
MIIP keeps versions of LFD content, the quantity versions is limited, as soon as you reaching the limit the system creates new instances of the content.
The problem also is that it is not possible to remove old version of content from system.
It is better to send this kind of bugs to Samsung tech support.