An unexpected error has occurred / The user ID or password you entered is incorr

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Offline keee2k

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I've updated magicinfo server from version 7100.2 to version 8. Everything went smooth, but probably with installation window and database information i pasted wrong credentials.
While logging to web panel i have information : An unexpected error has occurred or The user ID or password you entered is incorrect.
What is now the best and fastest option to make it work with new credentials that i have already. I mean how can i retype credentials to database?
Thanks in advance for any help.


Offline Pepijn

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Dear Keee2K,

Normally when updating your system especially from 7 to 8 the credentials would not change.
Perhaps it is also good to check the new config file to double-check your database path.

Are you sure you have updated or start a new installation? When you have a new installation the default admin credentials are:
User: admin
Password: admin2016

Kind regards,


Offline keee2k

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Yes,  it was update from version 7 to 8. After clicking installer file, everything went smooth as i wrote, and then  window that i attached appeared. I typed bad credentials, and now i am not able to login to we panel as default admin or admin user and have information like in topic.


Offline Pepijn

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The strange situation you have here, normally with an existing MagicINFO installation you can run the installer and do not need to fill in any kind of details. It will just copy/ use the existing configuration.

Still good to know you can add DB details in the config file located in the installation folder from MagiciNFO. The top part of this file has the information regarding the DB.

I would recommend it when you have not many devices/ users/ content items on your MagiciNFO server. It can be less time consuming to start over and have a fresh installation.

Kind regards,


Offline keee2k

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As i am changing DB details in config file after this web panel is not working anymore. As i am changing to state before it is working again but there is still problem with login with my credentials.
Do you have any idea or suggestions. Maybe i am changing something wrong, could you please specify what should be changed in case of changing DB user password?


Offline Pepijn

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Dear Keee2K,

Please see my screenshot.

Kind regards, Pepijn.


Offline keee2k

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I reinstalled my server as when i changed password in file it was still not working but i was not reinstall my database.
Right now when i try to login to freshly new web panel i receive the same information: An unexpected error has occurred / The user ID or password you entered is incorrect

Do you have any idea what is the problem?
When i type admin/admin i receive: An unexpected error has occurred
When i type admin/admin2016 there is: The user ID or password you entered is incorrect.


Offline keee2k

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Maybe do you have any suggestion what logs can i check and where to find it?
Also it may be the problem with MSSQL Database wrong password typed while installing? How to check it as well?


Offline Pepijn

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Dear keee2k,

It is now becoming more unclear where the fault can be, perhaps if you are in the possibility. I would advise starting completely with a fresh start also MSSQL.

And perhaps when you are not committed to MSSQL you can use PostgreSQL. In my experience, it is more simple to use.

You can find the log files in the following folder on your machine:
C:\MagicInfo Premium\runtime\logs
C:\MagicInfo Premium\tomcat\logs

I hope this will help you.

Kind regards, Pepijn.


Offline keee2k

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Could you please take  a look on this log and give me any tips on it if it can be related to the problem?:
ERROR [] - Invalid object name 'MI_ALARM_INFO_FAULT'.