An unexpected error has occurred / The user ID or password you entered is incorr

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Offline Pepijn

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Dear Keee2k,

I don't think is causing the issue. This is more an error about an alarm setting within MagicINFO.

Kind regards, Pepijn.


Offline keee2k

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Could you also please tell me if MSSQL Server password is the same as Database User password or is it 2 different things
As i was told this should be the same thing.
Or how does it work when i am installing this only choosing WAS installation.


Offline Pepijn

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Dear keee2k,

I have not much experience with MSSQL (more PostgreSQL).

But When choosing the WAS only function you still need to create the magicinfo database in the MSSQL server.

For my understanding MSSQL server, the password id needed to access MSSQL and the Database user password is the user that has access to the specific database in this case magicinfo.

I hope this information will help you.

Kind regards,