Copying screens and RSS feeds

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Copying screens and RSS feeds
« on: July 26, 2011, 12:09:37 AM »
Thanks to those who have pointed me to some valuable resources on this list. A couple more simple that I have come up with:

When including an RSS feed box in a screen area, is there a way to present the RSS information without having it scroll? I can't seem to make the RSS feed just display as a static block (with refresh every so often). It will only display all the RSS feed items by scrolling. I would like to limit it to a few items that are statically displayed (not scrolling).

My other question: is it possible to "Save As" with a screen, call it a different name, then open that copy and revise it. Basically, I would be using the first version as a template to create a second version that I could then revise.

If anyone has suggestions on these two points, I would appreciate hearing them!

Thanks in advance for your help.

Ken Russell
Bellingham Schools


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Re: Copying screens and RSS feeds
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2011, 03:33:42 PM »
I'm fairly new, couple months of working my way around magicinfo.  I've already done what you want to do, I did a SAVEAS, so if the user messes up their current screen setup, I can recreate the correct template for them.  Go to the top toolbar, click File and click SAVEAS and put whatever new name you want in the popup window.

As to RSS feed. When you setup that area, just put direction to NONE.   But if the question is that you want part of the message to stay static and part to move, then I am at a loss to help.