Cannot Create Web Pages to Preview via MagicInfo Premiuim EditionAuthor

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Offline kmille1398

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We are running MagicInfo Premiuim EditionAuthor V 1.0 Build NA-MIIPS-1010.6.  We are trying to publish a web page that displays updated content on a minute by minute basis.  I open  MagicInfo Premiuim EditionAuthor, then create  New Contents, and then drag over Internet Explorer Icon from my Elements Window on the left side.  Once I am able to see the Properties of this element on the lower left, I fill in the option for URL with the Web page I would like to display. I then save this as an LFD file.  When I go to preview the page, the screen flashes to a black background quickly with green lettering reading "NowPreparing".  Then it goes away.  This is literally for less than a second.  I tested the web page via Internet Explorer on my MagicInfo server, and it loads without issue.  Am I doing something wrong to get this page to preview correctly?  I also tried to specify an HTML file located on my server, just to see if it is my intended page that is the issue, but I get the same Preview Behavior.  Any help is greatly appreciated.




Offline 460FPN2

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I believe you need adobe flash player or java installed to see the Author preview (I don't know which one exactly).  Does it do the same thing even if you try to preview a blank page? If so, please install adobe flash player or java (NOT ON THE SERVER, on the computer you are using Author on. Do NOT update java on the server!).
I have also seen this issue with people using VMware/logged into another computer remotely that Author resides on, the Author preview doesn't work and it may have something to do with the 3D acceleration, but this would be a question for your net admin. I would recommend loading Author locally onto your machine. That is also an old version of Author, you may want to try upgrading.


Offline kmille1398

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Can the MagicInfo Premium Edition Author be installed on another machine?  Say a Windows 7 Professional Machine?  We have it installed on the MagicInfo Server, but I won't touch that for an Adobe/Flash upgrade if that is a problem.  BTW, we are thinking of upgrading our MagicInfo Premium Server and MagicInfo Premium Edition Author to at least 2.0 soon.


Offline 460FPN2

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you should be using Author on a machine that is NOT the server. You shouldn't be using the server for anything.
And yes, windows 7 is fine.