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So the projects that MagicInfo Premium Author make are slow to load, slow to navigate and display images.

What I really want is a website stored locally on the TV's so I don't need wifi access.

Q1: How do I get the build in browser to load a local html file?
Q2: How do I get copy a folder of "web content files" to the TV local storage?
Q3: Can I ftp into the TV?

After playing around, it seems I can load "web content" via a zip file. It goes through, Content > Playlist > Schedule. Then appears on the TV.
I'd like to avoid all these steps and just load the "web content files" from a USB drive or internal storage.

Thanks in advance.

MagicInfo / Re: newbie help
« Last post by ontech on Yesterday at 10:21:42 AM »
MagicInfo / Re: newbie help
« Last post by duncand on Yesterday at 10:14:02 AM »
I'm all sorted for a basic project now, had to use MagicInfo Author to make it.    Looks like the web author is not for interactive or multi page projects.
I need to keep the data offline as the sites dont have internet access.

MagicInfo / Re: newbie help
« Last post by duncand on September 06, 2024, 08:18:53 PM »
if you create interactive applications, whats the point of the software?

can you self host a wordpress site on the tv?
MagicInfo / Re: newbie help
« Last post by ontech on September 06, 2024, 03:17:51 PM »
Good morning

To be able to use webauthor you need premium licenses.
then with web author you cannot do interactivity.
this must be done on a hosted web page
MagicInfo / newbie help
« Last post by duncand on September 05, 2024, 07:17:00 PM »
Hi everyone.
New user here and trying to get to grips with this software, magicinfo lite i guess, I dont want to pay as I have two screens.

Its all installed and running, I can access magic Info server and the web author

Want I want to display on the tv is front page menu with a number of buttons that take me to a slide show of images and then they exit back to the main menu.
I'd like it to look like my website, so far with some basic tests it doesnt work.

I have created a LFD file, on page 1 it has the multi zone template. I've dropped in some text and a image. One page 2 and 3 I've dropped in a few images as a slide. When I download/export this to a zip file and play the LFD on my Samsung QM43B the touch areas dont do anything but if press forward/next on the remote it moved to screen 2 and 3, after a while it goes back to screen 1.

So how do I create a nice interactive app like you see in the shops and in trade shows?

TV: Samsung QM43B

with tag and playlist syncplay
MagicInfo / Re: MagicInfo Server - IP change
« Last post by ontech on August 22, 2024, 08:45:25 AM »
Good morning ,
have you checked the config file? and postgre?
MagicInfo / MagicInfo Server - IP change
« Last post by tstuart on August 21, 2024, 12:15:46 AM »
We recently migrated the server that hosted MagicInfo to a different network (vlan).
IP change itself was no issue for windows. But MagicINfo is not allowing any logins.
Only responce from webUI is "The user ID or password you entered is incorrect.".

After the IP change I did go to Magicinfo premium\bin\MagicConfigEdit.exe and made sure IP is correct in here (it is).
It indicates services are running.
Webpage loads, just cannot log in.

Not seeing any smoking guns as to why this is failed in logs either.

MagicInfo-I / Re: Can't Remote Control TV from Magicinfo Server
« Last post by ontech on August 14, 2024, 11:03:40 AM »
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