LFD connected to a computer that is not an SBB and Player I is installed on it

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Offline octavionancul

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Hello, I connect devices splayer to server without problem but I have a computer with the Player I installed but is not working. I read this on the Quick Start Guide of Magic Info Player I " If your Samsung LFD is connected to a computer that is not an SBB and Player I is installed on the computer, connect the RS232C cable to the computer and Samsung LFD. Next, configure the RDC options. You can access most of the device control functions. If this is the case, using Player I with the computer administrator account is recommended. Refer to the technical guide at the Samsung Electronics Display Solution website or the GSBN website for details on how to configure the RDC options." but I can not get info about RDC options. Can you give a tip. Thank you.