« Last post by Cillian on April 26, 2023, 12:47:59 PM »
Hi everyone,
We've been using 4 Displays with v8 Lite Server inhouse for about a year now without any problems. Server and Displays were within the same closed network.
However, we wanted to deploy the server in our IT center, which can't be connected to the same network as the displays. We deployed a v8 Server with premium licences without any problems, got our firewall configured by a professional and it passed all testing - Displays connected via internet and TLS. Before we'd finally switched all displays to the new server we wanted to "upgrade" to v9. We unhooked the licenses as in the manual, uninstalled magicinfo and postgres and installed the new one. So far, everything went smooth.
Using the non encrypted login on Port 7001 we can use it as expected, but we are only allowed to use the unencrypted trafic within our ITs network. On our site we're only allowed to use the encrypted login on Port 7002. No matter what PC, no matter what browser, we'll get frequent certificate errors because of self signing. The server puts out new certificated every 4 hours, so we can't even permanently allow the certs on the webclients. We didn't have this problem with v8 Server. Is there anything misconfigured or is this expected behaviour and we need to buy SSL Certificated our own for this server?
Next, much bigger problem is that we can't connect any display nor an iPlayer to the server via the internet. Firewall rules are exactly the same as in the working v8 config.
Is there anything new wo configure in v9 the we missed?
Thanks in advance and kind regards,