Question about Organizations and isolated playlists

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Question about Organizations and isolated playlists
« on: October 28, 2019, 12:37:09 PM »

We have MagicInfo since v4.0, and since the start, we have a problem to work with playlists I explain you:

Our company has more than 120 sites group by 5 business units, all the sites doens't have Diginal Signage already installed but in future can have it... due that we developed a particular mode to organise the sites by an internal information "named society", every organization of our magicinfo is a company society and it can have only one site or more than 10, it depends.

I explain before that in order to ask you how we can revamp our Playlists, current we have the follow situation:

An Organization (Society) have at least 3 department (Marketing, RRHH and Corporate) also has at least one building it means that we have 3 playlists working at the same and every playlists has one user or more to update the content of playlists.

Due that we have created in every organization 2 users: Admin user (required to create) and List user (user that creates every playlist). Our end users only update the content on playlists they can't see schedules and they doesn't create playlists, "So the name of our playlists are static but the content is changing".

Before that we had some users that had rights to create playlists in order to lock that the playlist of some department can't see any others, but the problem is that we have in some buildings many people rotation and if the user that created the list leaves the company and it's removed, all the content and playlists created by him be removed.

So the question is, ¿if we create all the playlists with one generic user to control that is posible to lock that from RRHH only see RRHH Playlists and no more?

Hope i explained properly any doubt let me knwo.