thank you very much for your answer. I found my main issue : I can't open the web page from the host machine (the MII server is in a VM) ! I can open it from the machine itself or from another VM. By the way, firefox never works (VMs or host).
You're talking about licences and I although saw some posts about it but I can't find any place in the web page where something is about licences. I have Magic Info I Standard. I never entered any licence and now that I have apparently full access to any web pages, I also access to device ("dispositif"), schedule ("programme"), LFD control ("contrĂ´le LFD"), etc.
Now, as I'm a newbie, I try to understand how I can output something on the screen (I created something with author, I uploaded it, and then...). I think I'll find but if you have a clue about a tricky thing, let me know