MagicInfo Videowall 2 console and client issues

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Offline djhawkins

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MagicInfo Videowall 2 console and client issues
« on: September 02, 2013, 06:04:45 PM »
Hi all,

I have an issue with a 2x2 Videowall.

Current setup is a Magicinfo Premium Server connecting with a Videowall console running on a PC onsite. The Videowall console is then connecting to the four screens which are on the same LAN as the Videowall Console. All firewalls are turned off.

The MagicInfo Premium server can see the Videowall Console with no problems

The problem is between the Videowall console and the screens. The screens themselves are running on Windows 7 embedded with Magicinfo iplayer version 2001 (not joined to a domain). The Videowall console (Version 2) is running on a Windows XP machine joined to our corporate domain and has the 4 Videowall licenses added.

I can register the screens fine within the Video Console and a green status light shows up next to each screen but after about 10 minutes the status changes to grey and I can no longer distribute content to the screens via the Premium server. If I open the iplayer settings on each screen and then close it down or if I restart each screen the device status for each screen goes to green again but then switches back to grey again

I have a similar setup at another site which works fine but the difference there, is that the screens are running on Windows XP embedded.

Is there some security issue on windows 7 embedded that would require me to join the screens above to the domain?

I have been working on this for sometime so any help would be appreciated!


Offline samwieda

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Re: MagicInfo Videowall 2 console and client issues
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2013, 05:47:15 AM »
is your switch you are using supporting IGMP?

try once what happen if you switch off the firewall on your console pc and on one SBB-A.



Offline isabolovic

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Re: MagicInfo Videowall 2 console and client issues
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2014, 11:43:26 PM »
Have you checked the log files? Enable debug mode for more information.



Offline gmckelos

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Re: MagicInfo Videowall 2 console and client issues
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2018, 07:00:04 PM »
Hello @djhawkins,

Did you ever solve this issue???

Have the same issue but no solutions yet