MagicInfo I server halted

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Offline DoPPeL

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MagicInfo I server halted
« on: August 11, 2012, 07:15:20 AM »
Hi I am new to digital signage.. I installed magicinfo lite server in the pc server, but when i try to type the http://ipaddress:7001/MagicInfo on the web address, I could not access the server. I checked the MagicInfo lite configuration it says MagicInfo Lite is Halted.

I Installed PostgreSQL then the magicinfo lite software.
I disabled the firewall

OS : Windows 7 Enterprise

Is it something to do with my OS? Thanks Masters!


Offline DoPPeL

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Re: MagicInfo I server halted
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2012, 02:04:52 PM »
I have it working by uninstalling Postgre,Magicinfo lite and Java. including the folders.

the only problem that is happening right now is when I click the Content tab in Magic-I server, then click the Add button, nothing happens. :(

i did uninstall java, reboot, reinstall java, reboot but still nothing happens. tried it also on different browsers. no go. it might be something to do with java applet. but dont know what to install. because on a different pc, when I click add button, it shows the magic info logo then the window where to add the content. someone help pls :/


Offline Bill Coral

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Re: MagicInfo I server halted
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2012, 10:21:10 AM »
This is all Java related my friend. MagicInfo seems to be quite particular to its versions, and affected by it.

My suggestion is, unistall everything (you don't need to unistall PostGre SQL), all Java instances and MagicInfo I Server. Then reboot, and install MagicInfo I Server from scratch. Then let it choose it's own Java download, BUT DON'T DO any updates - CANCEL anything like that is coming in.

It worked for me, but I am not entirely happy the new versions of Java have issues with MagicInfo (or ist it the other way round?)
