MagicInfo on a SBB

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Offline Chris Tout

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Re: MagicInfo on a SBB
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2010, 11:37:20 AM »
Good luck mikeb! 8)


Offline Bill Coral

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Re: MagicInfo on a SBB
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2010, 08:15:14 AM »
The SBB unit works fine for my MagicInfo I test bed. I am able to communicate with the webserver and also publish content. I think what the previous posts actually mean is that the SBB box has control functionality through what Samsung call MDC - Multi-Display-Control in that you can turn the screen ON, OFF, increase/decrease volume etc. For this to work, you need to have a Samsung MXn type or device and connect it through the HDMI port. This port within the Samsung Display has the capability in controlling the Display, but only if it is a Samsung product.

I asked Samsung about other Displays (like the DXn range) but they said the MDC functionality through the network and HDMI is only done for the MXn range.



Offline Chris Tout

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Re: MagicInfo on a SBB
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2010, 09:08:18 AM »
So you need a supported Samsung product connected via HDMI - and then you can connect other devices up?

Too bad we don't have any Samsung products that would do the trick!


Offline Bill Coral

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Re: MagicInfo on a SBB
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2010, 12:51:59 AM »
You can connect the SBB to another monitor through HDMI or VGA. What I am saying is that you will not have control over these monitors, for example turning them off and on, adjust volume etc. Remember through the HDMI interface you can use digital signals for control and only the Samsung MXn type of monitor can interprete them as they have build algorithns within the Samsung monitors.

If you want to control your non-Samsung monitors, and pressuming there are professional monitors and not TVs, you can connect them via RS232 interface and get the RS232 codes from Samsung. Otherwise I can post them to you. Let me know.



Offline Leland

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Re: MagicInfo on a SBB
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2013, 01:08:20 AM »
Hi Bill,

I know this is a very old post but I would like to clarify if this is still true.

If i have a Samsung SBB (SIM/PIM) with Windows Embedded can I run Magicinfo i-Premium on them with none Samsung screens such as LG that are attached via VGA/HDMI? but just don't have control over the screens controls? like on/off volume,ect?

Or must it be a Samsung screen attached to work? I have few SIM/PIM modules I would like to deploy with none Samsung screens I have in the office.

Thank you


Offline Bill Coral

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Re: MagicInfo on a SBB
« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2013, 05:51:23 PM »
Apologies, I have been on business trip for sometime...

Yes, the SBB and PIM units (PIM is the new OPS product that only fits to few Samsung Screens) will only work on Samsung Screens (LFDs - Large Format Displays). PIM gets it's power and video/audio signals from the screen itself. Only the ME65, ME75, the DExx products will accept the PIMs. All others have to use SBB I am afraid. Things do change and the SBB had a power supply and the DP to HDMI provide the digital signals for the Samsung API to control the screen. You need to use the RS232 port if you wanted to control a non-Samsung screen.
