Hello guys,
I have 3 displays in 3 different rooms. I'm playing a few images and .pdf files of all of them and for this task, I have created 3 playlists.
- Display1 - playlist1
- Display2 - playlist2
- Display3 - playlist3
Now I want to start adding additional pdf files
dynamically (daily reports) and play them on the screens automatically. Example:
Today 29.08.2022
- Display1 - playlist1 + room1_report_2908.pdf
- Display2 - playlist2 + room2_report_2908.pdf
- Display3 - playlist3 + room3_report_2908.pdf
Tomorrow 30.08.2022
- Display1 - playlist1 + room1_report_3008.pdf
- Display2 - playlist2 + room2_report_3008.pdf
- Display3 - playlist3 + room3_report_3008.pdf
These daily files (room*_report_date*.pdf) will be automatically generated in 3 different folders on the MagicInfo server.
Now the question: is it possible to add files to an already existing playlist automatically? Something like a scheduling process to check for new files in a specific folder and add them to a specific playlist