Not Conencted

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Offline psmedley

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Not Conencted
« on: May 02, 2012, 01:53:46 PM »
Hi All,

Having an issue with a Samsung SM400MX-3 with the SIM-NT Module installed, this is cabled into the school networks with the pc also being connected onto the network, the connection between the two is done by Server name, but the on the magicinfo pro software this keeps coming up with not connected even thought the screen is still connected to the network.

Any ideas?


Offline MikeBrandes

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Re: Not Conencted
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2012, 01:02:20 PM »
Hi All,

Having an issue with a Samsung SM400MX-3 with the SIM-NT Module installed, this is cabled into the school networks with the pc also being connected onto the network, the connection between the two is done by Server name, but the on the magicinfo pro software this keeps coming up with not connected even thought the screen is still connected to the network.

Any ideas?

I'm having similar problems with my signage. I've corrected the discrepancy between server names, made sure they match on the client end. Still no luck successfully publishing. HELP!


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Re: Not Conencted
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2012, 08:55:52 AM »
i've install screens in french scools. the subnet is separate in two level, administrative and educational.
then i must make caution on what switch i put my screen, i install MagicInfo server on administrative PC, then i must plug screen on subnet administrative otherwise that doesn't work.
some times i've first time when i connect MIP Server problem to recognise screen. Also i just change Server name in Server and Client and after my screen apparaid in blue in MIP server. (i've seen that i short Server Name is more efficent than a long...)

i hope that can help you

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