Having to make new template every time...shows up as "untitled"

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Offline britmow

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Having to make new template every time...shows up as "untitled"
« on: January 15, 2018, 06:03:07 PM »
When I make a template on portrait mode, for some reason I cannot go back at another time to edit it. a blank screen will pop up and the "template name" will read "UNTITLED" I have to keep making a new template every time I need to change something on the template for the signage and it is really getting old.
When it is on landscape mode I have no problems whatsoever.
This has been going on for quite some time and I need help


Offline DDALE

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Re: Having to make new template every time...shows up as "untitled"
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2018, 01:30:28 AM »
I am having the same problem. Called and talked with support and tried all their fixes, still cannot edit anything I saved. I even tried the Mac version...same thing. I hope they fix this soon as I have 5 smart TV's. Had planned on more, but not till I get a fix for this problem!