Hardware - Very Dim Screen - OH55F

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Offline Ppierre61

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Hardware - Very Dim Screen - OH55F
« on: November 24, 2022, 05:31:13 PM »
Howdy folks,

Total newbie here. I own a small ice cream shop in upstate New York and I have 2 Samsung OH55F screen that run Magic Info to display my menu. I use the screencon.eu service to upload my menu as it changes.

Recently, one of my screens went very dark. Not off, just very very dim. If I crouch and look at the screen at a very acute angle, I can see the content and change settings.

The other screen is working as it should. I haven’t changed any settings on the hardware. On the dim screen, eco mode is off. I’ve restarted the unit. 

We spent so much money on this units, I’m really nervous the screen is broken, but perhaps there is a setting or configuration that will bring it back to life.

I’ve moved the brightness and contrast to 100 but that’s doesn’t appear to be issue.

I have not reset to factory settings for fear of losing my configuration to screencom.eu

Any assistance or tips would be very much appreciated.


Offline Pepijn

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Re: Hardware - Very Dim Screen - OH55F
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2022, 09:59:48 AM »
Dear Ppierre61,

Get in contact with the people off Screencom.eu. You can request a firmware update or request assistance with a factory reset on the screen.

Kind regards, Pepijn


Offline Ppierre61

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Re: Hardware - Very Dim Screen - OH55F
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2023, 11:46:57 PM »
Thanks Pepjin,

I reached out to screencom.eu after you suggested, and they told me since it was a hardware issue, there was nothing they could do for me. Somehow, i feel like they could push a factory reset... I've ask them again since my shop is open again for the   *CENSORED*  and we really need the screen.

In the settings, there are a couple of "reset" options but they either don't do anything or they are grayed out. I have a working screen right next to the very dim one, so I can navigate the menu and match up all of the settings. So far, everything is the same.

Do you have any other suggestions? Are there technicians that come out to the field to work on these units? Where would I find such people?

One thing i will say is that after turning them on, the dim one did flash the image in full brightness, but then flashed back to dim...

I'm really out of my league here, and at a loss to figure out how to make this investment work for me.




Offline frfmanager

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Re: Hardware - Very Dim Screen - OH55F
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2023, 02:34:22 AM »
I have 3 displays and they seem to dim out randomly.  I havent been able to figure out why yet.  I am assuming its a settings issue or a hardware problem.  I am not sure old they are.  They are Samsung DM48D.  I dont use MagicInfo, I am trying to get it started though


Offline Pepijn

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Re: Hardware - Very Dim Screen - OH55F
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2023, 09:37:05 AM »
Daer frfmanager and Ppierre61,

First off my apologies for the late reply, I just noticed your messages back here Ppierre61.
In your case, it really seems like an issue on the screen itself. Perhaps a firmware update or a factory reset would help. If you need assistance you can try to find a local distributor, perhaps you still have a warranty on your screens.

@frfmanager, From Magicinfo you create a schedule on the brightness level and share this to your screen. Perhaps someone has shared this with your screen and you need Magicinfo to reset or adjust it. Perhaps a factory reset will also reset these settings.

Kind regards, Pepijn.


Offline SaDiKoFF

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Re: Hardware - Very Dim Screen - OH55F
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2023, 04:13:29 AM »
Hi, usually very dim screens is a hardware failure. You have to contact an authorized service center for diagnostics and repair.
If screen have less than 3 years, it is covered by the warranty
If screen have more than 3 years, buy new one.
