Motion detector

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Offline dekorima

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Motion detector
« on: July 01, 2010, 08:26:58 AM »
A customer want to know if we are able to deliver our panels with motion detectors. The idea is that whenever anyone passes the panel, the screen will start the playlist automatically.

I have been searching for some sort of usb-gadget that will send the same signal to the panel as for example pressing the space bar on a keyboard, deactivating the screensaver.

I have found several instructions on how to build a sensor, and how to program it. However I am no programmer and have few skills in electronics.  ;)

Does anyone here have any ideas or working solutions?

Help much appreciated.


Offline dekorima

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Re: Motion detector
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2010, 11:05:23 AM »
I have found a solution. In some ways it is better in others it's not.
I have found an application - "Media Zone Trigger". When combining this with a webcam the program displays a media file, when movement is detected inside a hotspot of your own choosing. I have just started testing it out, but here are my first experiences;

- It seems you can choose multiple hotspots, and choose different mediafiles to be triggered to the different hotspots (or a combination of hotspots?).
- sensitivity can be adjusted
- It can, as far as I can see, only display images and movies.
- 1 license is for 1 computer only, making it rather expensive at 250$ per license.
- It will not work when there's no light. This could be useful for displays facing streets.


Offline EricL

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Re: Motion detector
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2010, 11:23:22 AM »
Hi, I have heard of a similar system that is used to trigger ads when a person passes a screen but I cannot recall what it was called  :-\

There was another one as well not very long ago I saw that triggered a message when a person with a blue-tooth enabled phone walked past, I think the screen either recognised the blue-tooth and triggered a message about being able to use your blue-tooth phone to get instant further information from the screen via text or issued a text via blue-tooth with the text message saying look at the screen and the text message was reinforced that way..

I was wondering if a simple detector as used in alarm systems would work if it was mashed up to a screen via a simple logic board-maybe something an electronics engineer would be able to do for you?

Keep us posted on your progress, i am intrigued  ;D ;D ;D



Offline dekorima

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Re: Motion detector
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2010, 12:40:05 PM »
I was wondering if a simple detector as used in alarm systems would work if it was mashed up to a screen via a simple logic board
This is what I originally was looking for. I have found small sensors that could be built in so that they look anonymous. A standard alarm detector would look rather bulky.

maybe something an electronics engineer would be able to do for you?
We are considering this, but it sound expensive  ;)

The best thing would of course be if there was a no hassle, complete package for purchase somewhere.

By the way I actually found one, but it is a stand alone hd-player with a pir-detector as an add on option. I guess it's an ok option for displays without a built in pc - Eyezone B1080P-2.


Offline EricL

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Re: Motion detector
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2010, 02:07:57 PM »
hmm, I think this one was the one I might have seen-seems similar to your system but purpose built-don't know how good it would be but worth a look  ;)



Offline dekorima

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Re: Motion detector
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2010, 02:31:28 PM »
That's the one. For some reason I wrote "media" instead of "Motion".