Like i've say you in recent post, your background time can't be under one minute.
if i've well understand, your background is set at 1 hour and you can't put it one minute?
have you another area in your screen?
if yes, you must set all the area to one minute before past you background time to one minute so.
in area, the time is set like this: 010000 (you have second with) tou must set at 000100
in backround, the time is set like this: 0100. you must put it at 0001
if your first screen don't let another screen play it's because the background time is set at one hour, so it play during one hour and after the second screen play one hour so
if you put a background set at one minute (without picture attached), and area set to 30 seconds, so after 30 seconds your screen become black( you haven't nothing to play)
i hope have help you
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