MagicInfo Network

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Offline engenharia2

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MagicInfo Network
« on: August 07, 2012, 09:25:11 PM »

I'm new here and in this subject of Digital Signage, but I've been reading some technical data, and my doubt is about the Network for the digital signage (MagicInfo).
I read that in a LAN network a simple configuration through Fast Ethernet is enough, but if I have a large amount of displays (82), this bandwidth would increase? Would I have to use a 1000BASE-T network?
If I’m already using a 1000BASE-T network in a separate VLAN, will I found any troubles?
Thanks and bests regards.


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Re: MagicInfo Network
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2012, 08:05:33 AM »

Gygabite is well for all you's screens even if you make a vlan.
A 100Mb network is good enough, when you publish on your' screen the data are sent screens by screens and not to all screens at once.
When you have publish, screens don't make nothing to declare at server.
i hope have help you

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