Hi Erwan,
i hope can help you with this :
1. Disable EWF using following command ewfmgr –all –commitanddisable –live
2. Copy (or Overwrite) reg.exe(http://dssceurope.com/files/tools/reg.exe) to C:\Windows\System32
3. Right click reg.exe -> Properties -> click Unblock at the bottom of Properties window.
4. Install KB932823 update (http://dssceurope.com/files/os/WindowsXP-KB932823-v3-x86-ENU.zip )
5. Install WindowsUpdate Agent 3.0 (http://dssceurope.com/files/os/WindowsUpdateAgent3.0.zip )
6. Reboot.
7. Install IE8 (http://dssceurope.com/files/tools/IE8-WindowsXP-x86-ENU.exe )
8. Reboot.
9. Enable EWF using following command ewfmgr c: -enable
10. Reboot.
say me if it's ok for you
have a nice day
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