Just thought I would update since I finally solved the problem, I did so much online research that if I could help out one person it would be worth it.
First thing I found out was don't call Samsung Canada, they didn't know what Magicinfo is, the rep offered to put me on hold while he found a manual. I finally spoke to the actual magicinfo help desk and they at least knew what they were doing but they could not figure out the problem.
I did the server and client updates and that did nothing. Then they recommended I remove the USB for my wireless keyboard and mouse, since the only way out of client is to hit the escape key, which was locked in my office. I then decided on my own, since Level 2 help desk never called back to eliminate all content that used the internet, and the problem was solved. I started to add the content back one screen at a time until I found the problem. The problem was one slide with the weather, I was linking to a full screen page from weatherunderground and once I took that out of the rotation the problem was solved!