PC unusable - TOMCAT process?

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PC unusable - TOMCAT process?
« on: July 11, 2013, 10:30:20 AM »
Hi all,

I have a single screen setup (Samsung SL46) that was using magic info lite and working perfectly off a local PC server.

This was recently upgraded to install the Samsung PC module (SMSBBA16GB
) at the screen and upgraded to Magic Info Pro.

This worked fine at first, but pretty quickly the PC server has, on boot up, pretty much stopped responding completely (very slow) until the 'Tomcat' process is stopped from running, at which point it returns to normal speed... but the screen cannot be updated.
I have searched for answers but am not a programmer, is there anything that can be done to solve this problem? The PC is not the fastest in the world and I guess is running out of memory, but its not really doing anything - the screen gets updated about once a month but otherwise just runs.

Thanks in advance