Help a kid with big boy software.

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Offline ConnorB

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Help a kid with big boy software.
« on: March 20, 2010, 06:55:33 PM »
Hey there.
I'm a Highschool student incharge of school announcements. Since September, our school has been quite easily hooking up a laptop to the Samsung screen in our Caf, and using powerpoints.
We have decided to get our MagicInfo system working, and now I am expected to know how to make announcements in MagicInfo.

So this is where I come to you for help.
I downloaded the MagicInfo Server, and am completely clueless on what to do.

Please explain to me, how I can just get text to show up on the screen, And then flip to the next announcement,  and thru all announcements and back to the beginning. Scheduling of each announcement need not be necessary. just loop thru all of the announcements I input, page by page. Also, Is it at all possible to just get a powerpoint to show on the TV, Thru MagicInfo? that would make my job so much easier. the only reason we are using MagicInfo, is because I can edit the announcements from anywhere in the school. cutting corners while still using MagicInfo would be great.
If there are no other ways of doing this, please walk me thru adding a big textbox the size of the screen and making it scroll to the next and loop to the beginning.

Thank you VERY much for being patient with me.

Jacob Hespeler Secondary School
Cambridge Ontario
On-Site School Technician


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Re: Help a kid with big boy software.
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2010, 09:59:58 AM »
Hi, when you are designing a screen on the server you place the required information boxes by right clicking in the black area of the screen, choosing the component you require then dragging the mouse across the screen to open a box the size you want. You add components such as pictures or videos to the library of the program first then you can choose to put them into the boxes you have created.

It's pretty intuitive once you have a go-I know there is not a lot on the web to help but these links are worth a look to get the basics.


Offline tb2571989

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Re: Help a kid with big boy software.
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2010, 04:41:46 PM »
MagicInfo, unfortunately, is not the most easiet and newbie friednly piece of software to pick up and use. Untill I contacted Samsung for support (which was excellent) I had to run a powerpoint on startup and did so for two weeks.

What we (I) do now is have one slide showing a powerpoint and the powerpoint itself is set to automatically move slides on and repeat once it has finished. I am in the process of learning how to use the MagicInfo properly but as I sai'd before it's not that easy to use.

Once you manage to get it set up it's quite good, it's too bad that there's not much documentation about.

I am currently working on tutorials so they will be posted here when done.