Play content in perfect synchronisation on all screen

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Offline moncef.j

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Play content in perfect synchronisation on all screen
« on: April 25, 2010, 03:09:50 AM »

I use Magic Info I and I have installed 12 screens 400 dxn 2 in a mall above the cash registers. There is 30 meters between every screens.

I need to play same content at the same time in all screens.

What is the best solutions, or what I must configure in MagicInfo I to play same content at the same time in all screens.

Thank you



Offline malosn

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Re: Play content in perfect synchronisation on all screen
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2010, 06:54:30 PM »
Why not just use magicinfo Pro (idon t know a lot about magicinfo i) and create a group of monitors so thel will play the scheduled content at the same time.By telling this i assume that all monitors should have the same date and time!
PS: i speak also french


Offline moncef.j

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Re: Play content in perfect synchronisation on all screen
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2010, 10:15:39 PM »
Re bonjour,

Heureux de savoir que vous parlez fran?ais.
En fait j'utilise MagicInfo I car d'une part on acc?de au serveur sur une page web et d'autre part (? l'inverse de MagicInfo Pro) on n'a pas besoin d'installer un PC serveur ? proximit? des ?crans ? contr?ler.

Je g?re d?j? 10 ?crans 40 DXN2, ?parpill?s au sein d'une galerie commerciale dans les couloirs et les entr?es. Dans ce cas pr?cis, chaque ?cran diffuse la boucle ? sa guise.
Or la je passe sur les caisses, et la, les ?crans doivent ?tre synchro pour un meilleur impact.

Et la je bloque. Avec MagicInfo I, je pense que m?me si les heures sont les m?mes, je pense qu'il y aura toujours un d?calage entre les ?crans. Peut ?tre que je me trompe.

Je pense ? relier les ?crans par cable video in out (mais attention au perte du signal vu les longueur) et controler juste l'?cran maitre.

Qu'en pensez vous et merci pour votre aide.


Re hello

Glad to know that you speak French.
In fact I use because I MagicInfo one hand you can access the server on a web page and the other (unlike MagicInfo Pro) there is no need to install a PC near the server screens control.

I already operates 10 screens 40 DXN2 scattered in a shopping mall in the hallways and entrances. In this case, each screen shows the loop at will.
Now I spend on the funds, and the screens must be synchronized for maximum impact.

And I block. With MagicInfo I, I think that even if the hours are the same, I think there will always be a gap between the screens. Maybe I'm wrong.

I think connecting cable video screens in out (but beware of the signal loss seen the length) and just controlling the master screen.

What do you and thank you for your help.



Offline malosn

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Re: Play content in perfect synchronisation on all screen
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2010, 10:58:56 PM »
Sorry but i can t help then.I just started using this since one week and i m using only Pro as iwanted to learn just to lunch a new company.
I will send u pm in french as this is an English forum.
Best regards


Offline Bill Coral

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Re: Play content in perfect synchronisation on all screen
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2010, 07:20:51 AM »
Hello, if you want to play the same content at the same time on all screens, you will need to set them in a video wall manner. What you must not do is do the screen positioning. In that way all the screens will be showin the same content at the same  time. I use MagicInfo pro to do that and it works perfectly well. The idea here is to get the screens to sync, and that is the way to do it.



Offline moncef.j

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Re: Play content in perfect synchronisation on all screen
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2010, 10:19:02 AM »
Hello Bill,

That's what I did with Magic Info I and it works.
However I can only read videos. I will need to read flash for the weather. Have you any idea?




Offline Bill Coral

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Re: Play content in perfect synchronisation on all screen
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2010, 07:42:35 AM »
You are quite right Mocef. The video wall through Magicinfo I is for videos and photos. It is not possible to create anything else due to hardware ability. This is a general video scaller hardware limitation I am afraid.
