New installation of 4101 gives ERROR 500 at first login (local) - postgresql?

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Offline alangeering

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From the top (in order of installation):
Win 10 Pro x64 (not virtualised) with all updates.
Java Version 8 Update 161
PostgreSQL 10 installed
MagicInfo Server 4101.8
Firewall disabled for troubleshooting

Navigating to localhost:7001/MagicInfo gives the usual log-in screen
Entering "admin" and "admin2016" causes a wait then a ERROR 500 page

I can see that the path to postgreSQL is correct in the MagicInfo config. But I suspect that there is a failure of communication between MagicInfo and the database.

Is there a version of the database that is more compatible with MagicInfo? Given it's just issuing SQL commands does MagicInfo care what version prostgreSQL is?

What else could it be? Any and all help appreciated. I'm giving up for the night.


Offline alangeering

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OK. So it seems to be critical that PostgreSQL is at the correct version. The "correct" version isn't available on the PostgreSQL website anymore so it's a bit harder to find. No doubt its available from Samsung.


Offline Toasty

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Try installing version 9.5