MagicInfo v6 ending PPT Slideshow too early

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Offline degerc

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MagicInfo v6 ending PPT Slideshow too early
« on: June 10, 2019, 06:17:21 PM »
I have a nine slide Powerpoint presentation that is being pushed from a test schedule to two test devices; an S3 TV Player, and an I-Player (SBB-B64DV4 running Win7).

On the S3 Player, it shows all nine slides in the presentation before loading the next content
On the I-Player, it shows the first 3 slides, then moves onto the next content

Increasing the time in the Schedule Slide Transition Time allowed it to display an additional slide, but it also increased the display time for all of the other content as well.  I tried making some changes to the PPT file itself, but nothing has resolved the issue.  It feels like this is an I-Player issue but I'm not sure what other settings I can  change.


Offline Pepijn

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Re: MagicInfo v6 ending PPT Slideshow too early
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2019, 03:47:45 PM »
Dear degerc,

Im sure this has to do with the I-Player software. I know with the signage screens you have some options in the signage screens itself. Perhaps you can look in the setting of your I-Player. You will not find your anwser in powerpoint it self.

Kind regards,