Adding additional MagicInfo Unified License help

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Adding additional MagicInfo Unified License help
« on: September 09, 2019, 06:33:08 PM »
We have been running MagicInfo Pro since 2016 and have 8 current TV devices and licenses.  We are in the process of adding an additional unified license and AGAIN it takes weeks to get the updated license key working on our MagicInfo server.  We have always purchased licenses through CDW but end up working with Samsung to get the license updated with new licenses which takes weeks.  If anyone has information on how/where they purchase licenses and get the license key working in a timely manner we'd love to hear about it.  It should not take weeks.  Thank you for any assistance.


Offline Pepijn

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Re: Adding additional MagicInfo Unified License help
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2019, 03:30:48 PM »
Dear dgbslb,

There are many resellers that distribute MagicInfo licenses, from my experience a license can be arranged in minutes and when it is availible you can directly use it on your server.
It can happen when you are contacting a reseller or support platform that you have to wait for a day but not weeks.

Hope your frustration will not affect using the MagicInfo system.

Kind regards,