Hello. There are about 700 connected screens on my MagicInfo server. From time to time the server starts to slow down very much. This happens just like that, or after downloading videos. It slows down so much that sometimes it is even impossible to get into the control panel and the content does not go to the screens. At this time, I see an increased load on the network and a huge number of requests to the server from screens (see screenshots). The processor, memory and disk on the server are not loaded. I tried doing VACUUM and changing MaxThreads values in tomcat config file but it didn't help. Please tell me what could be the matter? thanks
Apache Tomcat - 6.0.43
JVM - 1.7.0_13-b20
Windows Server 2012
CPU Intel Xeon 6 cores
Memory: 6Gb
MagicInfo Server v 3.1