Encoding Frame Rates and File types

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Offline bvdecicco

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Encoding Frame Rates and File types
« on: June 30, 2010, 04:26:19 PM »
Has anyone determined what the sweet spot for encoding is for these displays using MagicInfo Pro? I have been testing MPEG 2 at 1920 x 1080, 24 fps, and progressive encoding. I called Samsung and they wouldn't give me an answer. I spoke to Steven who is supposed to be the head of that call center. Very frustrating.

I was using WMV VC-1 codec and it was hammering the processors, causing stuttering in all of the screens. Since switching to MPEG 2 (I installed the codecs separately) the processors are down to a reasonable 50% and the stuttering has disappeared.

The only remaining issue I have is a slight lag on the master screen. My setup is a 2 over 2 video wall. And the lag appears on the same screen consistently. I don't think it's a time issue because my still JPGs fire simultaneously.

Any suggestions on a proper encoding format or a fix for the lag?



Offline bvdecicco

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Re: Encoding Frame Rates and File types
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2010, 07:38:29 PM »
Upon further experimentation I was able to get the lag to stop.

I'm encoding using Sorenson Squeeze 6 using the HD1080p preset. The base codec is MPEG-2 Video. It consists of a data rate of 20000kbps, sized to 1920x1080 running at 30fps. The Field encoding is set to Progressive at a 16x9 pixel ratio. The GOP Structure (I have no idea what that is) is: I Frames: 15; P Frames: 3; and Auto GOPS: VCSD.

If someone would like more specs, shoot me an email. If you're using Squeeze I can send you the preset file.

I have been very aggravated with the lack of info in regards to this subject, so I am more than happy to help anyone else out who is in the same boat.

My processors are now running at 40% average for high motion MPEG-2 video compared to 65% or higher for WMV video. I don't know why, but it's working. Finally.