My screen is setup to hit multiple webpages that I have written. Most of these webpages just have a flash slideshow that iterates over 6 images. These work very well.
I tried adding a .swf to one of these slideshows and this caused MagicInfo to remain on that layer/area of the screen for twice as long, causing that one slideshow to repeat and it sometimes gets cutoff before the end of the .swf. If I go to that url from my PC, the webpage works as intended.
I changed it so now I have 2 web areas on my screen that are set to hit the URL of 2 different .swf files. I have placed these as the last part of my screen. Now MagicInfo will only play 10s of the first .swf file and skip to the beginning of my screen.
Does anyone know why this would happen? Or have any suggestions for using flash videos on a webpage? Thanks.