Magicinfopro Direct Connection

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Offline Bill Coral

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Magicinfopro Direct Connection
« on: November 01, 2009, 08:44:11 AM »
Hello eveyone. I want to use magicinfopro server from home and address monitors at work. I can VNC the monitors, however, my magicinfopro server doesnt see them.

I have a BT Home Hub Router, and have set the router to port forward the usual port numbers that magicinfopro use (51000 to 57000). If I use the Internet from elsewhere, I can see my server (even with NO-IP name), but as the magicinfopro server is set to Dierct IP setting, it seems to me that the application cannot direct the packets to the IP I have set for the magicinfopro server. The screen is of course set to the router address. So shouldn't it forward any traffic to the appropriate IP addres within the LAN at home?

I have tried many options, but can't do it.

If you get a public/static IP address from BT - that works fine. The magicinfopro screen will go directly to the server over the Internet. But it is the port forwarding I cannot do.

Any thoughts? Help?

Thanks, Bill