1° verify your lan settings, if you have dhcp let it give an IP to your screen, otherwise put it in your lan card (you must be on the same network!!)
2° on your screen, you have an MagicInfo Setup Wizard icon. Launch it and tick the MagicInfo Pro. Setup it all
3° Verify on your screen your firewall. you must have:
Launch MagicInfoRM
MagicInfo Pro Scheduler in the Exception Programs
4° verify on your computer your firewall. you must have Magicinfo Pro in the exception.
5° when you have make all launch MagicInfo Pro on your screen
6° launch MagicInfo Pro on your computer.
7° verify in the tools then option you have in the General tab you have an network device
8° after go to the schedule icon. you must have under network your screen that appears
excuse me for the broken English, i'm french
i hope to have help you
A tout ceux qui souhaitent télécharger le logiciel Magicinfo Pro de Samsung, je vous mets un lien pour obtenir Magicinfo Pro gratuitement et dans sa dernière version :
Vous trouverez également sur ce site, des formations au logiciel et également des solutions de gestion de parcs d'écrans.
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