I have been browsing through all of the comments here on the board and which have been a tremendous help so far in enabling me to configure the setup on lan, and also getting me to the point where I feel I have exhausted all of my options...
Here is the scenario:
We had the client/server configured perfectly on a LAN and now we are trying to make them connect them via the Verizon Wireless Usb760 (USB Mobile Broadband Modem) via WAN.
1) Settings are set to Direct connection via IP (server and client with sever name as the IP address of server).
2) Static IPs on both server computer and public IP.
3) ports 53001, 52000, 55001 and 5353 are open on the server side.
4) Ping and tracert are both successful.
5) Most up-to-date versions of server and client
When using wireshark, we can see that the MFP client never actually tries to communicate with the server on port 53001.
(The only time it attempts to send something is when the client is set to look for updates automatically upon start - which shows in wireshark on both client and server, that the two are indeed communicating via port 52000. So we know port forwarding/ip settings are correct??)
However, when we plug in the LAN cable, and start MFP client, we see packets associated with MFP are immediately going out on port 53001.
Is this type of connection possible?
Is there a way to configure magicinfo to look directly for the connection through the usb760?
Anyone have any thoughts or experience with this type of setup?
Verizon seems to be stumped, and Samsung Support is escalating to Tier 3, with little optimism.
Thanks for any help