If you want to scheduling all your's screens both, you can create a group in theschedule and put your two screens into.
now you can manage your two screens both, and put a schedule for 14 hours that will be replicated on both screens if you want to play the same on these.
like say EricL, you can manage your ppt in your screen, you create as many areas as you have powerpoint and you calculate the duration of these
ex: ppt n°1 duration 32s
you put the time in you area properties to 00:00:00 to 00:00:32
ppt n°2 duration 46s
you put the time in you area properties to 00:00:33 to 00:01:18
ppt n°3 duration 1m 44 s
you put the time in you area properties to 00:01:18 to 00:03:02
you set your background end time to 00:03:02
you put the time block at level of your group in schedule and you extend it to 14 hrs
i hope to have help you too
excuse me for my broken english i'm french
have a nice day,
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