Screens 'forget' schedule over night

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Screens 'forget' schedule over night
« on: December 20, 2011, 09:50:54 AM »
It seems that our screens forget their schedules over night. Everything seems to work on the day the schedule was published, but not after.

Our screens are shut down for the night, not just left in the 'panel off' mode, so at first I thought it might be a case of the EWF manager losing all the written schedule/media data, but it's not that.

All the media and scheduling files are there on drive D:, but when the screen is started up and put into MagicInfo mode it just displays a black screen. So I go to the server PC, re-publish the schedule and it kick-starts the screen into action.

Furthermore, it seems that sometimes the screen's panel will turn off after about 15 minutes, but the background music will continue playing, so it's almost like a screen saver has come on.

Any ideas?

I am running the latest versions of both the client and server software.

Many thanks in advance. :)


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Re: Screens 'forget' schedule over night
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2011, 08:48:22 AM »
try to see if your date and time are wall set on the screen and the computer
what plays your screen like média? yous said you've a background music that is playing with your media. your music is not it longer than your media? (that will explain you'r black screen)
don't you push you'r media in streaming for someone?

also you can try to restart the configuration of MagicInfo on your screen, it has solved some similar concerns
please put more track elements to better help you solve your problem

excuse me for the broken English, i'm french
i hope to have help you

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