How do I flush the internal memory without losing all my settings?

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Offline chrisjmeyer

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How do I flush the internal memory without losing all my settings?
« on: September 15, 2017, 03:07:37 PM »
I am using Magicinfo Express to manage content on approximately 30 Samsung TV's in our building. The program has been frustrating, but I think I understand its limitations enough to make it usable for my purpose. Hopefully, we can install Magicinfo Lite server and gain a bit of functionality. My current challenge is that I am noticing that I have reached the internal storage limit of 5 GB on some of the TV's. I see that each time I send content to the TV's, a bit more of the internal storage is used. Eventually, all of the TV's will have reached the internal storage limit.

I have scoured the Internet for solutions. I have tried powering off the TV's, sending virtually no content to the TV's, unplugging the TV's, etc. My hunch is that resetting the TV would flush the internal memory. However, I don't want to reset all 30 TV's. Then, I would have to go to each TV and change all the customized settings individually. I am not concerned about the Magicinfo settings. I know I can send those via Magicinfo Express. I am referring to the picture, general, network, etc. settings. There has to be a better way. Does anyone know how to flush the internal memory without losing all TV settings? Thanks.


Offline chrisjmeyer

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Re: How do I flush the internal memory without losing all my settings?
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2017, 02:54:10 AM »
I finally figured this out after speaking to Kenneth, a technician at Samsung. I had tried everything on his list. But, talking to him gave me an idea. When I browsed the internal memory on the Samsung TV, I found the folders but they were all empty. The logical folder for the Magicinfo Express content was the Published Content folder, but this was empty too. I wondered if the content files were hidden like certain files are in Windows. So, I deleted the Published Content folder itself. That was a little scary because I didn't want to break anything. Well, I was hopeful when I received a warning message that told me there were lots of files in the folder that took up several GB's of internal storage. As soon as I deleted the files, I refreshed the view in Magicinfo Express. Viola! The internal storage was freed!

I'm guessing that every time I pushed revised content onto the TV, the file was stored in this folder as a hidden file. Eventually, the files accumulated and filled up the internal memory. This also explains why the TV can play content when my computer with Magicinfo Express is off. Hope this helps someone. Peace.


Offline paulgraz

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Re: How do I flush the internal memory without losing all my settings?
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2018, 07:07:03 PM »
When I browsed the internal memory on the Samsung TV

How did you browse the internal memory?  I can't seem to access it over the network - do you have to use the TVs remote?


Offline chrisjmeyer

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Re: How do I flush the internal memory without losing all my settings?
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2018, 07:20:04 PM »
Yes. You need to use the TV remote and repeat the steps for each TV.

  • On the Player home page, select Player.
  • Move cursor to Options menu and select Delete.
  • Move cursor to Published Content folder and select folder to delete the folder and its contents.
The next time you push out the content, you will notice that all of the internal storage is available again. Hope that helps. Peace.


Offline paulgraz

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Re: How do I flush the internal memory without losing all my settings?
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2018, 08:52:06 PM »
 :(  Didn't work for me - but that's for the quick reply.

Apparently it's different on my RM48D - it doesn't let me browse folders, just "internal memory" or USB.

I guess my short term workaround is to add a USB drive for more space.  256MB seems rather limiting anyhow.


Offline Clarky

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Re: How do I flush the internal memory without losing all my settings?
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2019, 10:56:28 PM »
Did you ever solve this?