I do IT support for a small business with a single Samsung digital signage display (RM48D) and they use a single PC running Magic Info Express to load slides into it over the LAN.
It's all worked pretty well for about 2 years now, but the latest Windows 10 updates seem to cause issues.
So I upgraded MagicInfo Express to the latest version. (Build 3.0 1011.8, which seems to be from November 2017) I found that the end user now has to right click and "run as administrator" to even get the app to work.
Once it comes up, there are red exclamation point icons on her schedules. And the schedule comes up missing days, so she adds them back in and clicks save - and it says "saved successfully". But then when we try to upload it to the screen, it gives an error that reads "Unable to find the file that is included in the schedule. Please check the file"
Also, if you go back to the home screen and start over, picking that same schedule, it's once again missing days - even though we just added them back in and saved them.
Lastly, when on the upload screen, the device shows as "RM48D, Storage: Internal 226.73MB/254.44MB" - is that first number showing space used or space available? If the former, perhaps she's simply run out of space?
Thanks in advance for all your assistance!